"Super, you can really quickly and easily clean textiles. ven on hoodies or sofas it works great!" ~ Anna L.
Say goodbye to stubborn pet hair on your clothes, sofa or other textiles.
Get rid of themquickandeasywith the Wooden Lint Remover- the mosteco friendlylint remover!
Several different applications possible!
Our Lint Remover is easy to use -simplyrun it overany surfaceyou want to clean and the lint and debris will beeffortlesslypicked up.
The metal bristles are toughon dirt and lint, yet gentle on fabrics, so you can use it oneverythingfrom clothing and furnitureto car seats and bediing.
Practical, efficient and eco-friendly
Not only is our Lint Removerpracticalandefficient, it's also the most eco-friendly one. Additionally itssleekandstylishcombined with wood makes it achic additionto any home.